Role of the Church in Black America, Morning
In 2003 Ministers and leaders of the African-American community spoke about the role and influence of the church in African-American society and culture. Among the issues they addressed were the role of the minister, openness and inclusiveness, and the social mission of the church.
Article: Property Deal
CSPAN Book Discussion on The Way of the Bootstrapper
In a 1999 Cspan Book TV interview Rev. Floyd Flake talks about his book, The Way of the Bootstrapper: Nine Action Steps for Achieving Your Dreams, published by HarperSanFranciso. The former congressman is senior pastor of the Allen African Methodist Episcopal Cathedral in Jamaica, Queens, the largest church in New York state. His book is about “bootstrapping,” his motivational system of taking personal responsibility in order to create a successful life. The system consists of a process, a mindset, and a value system. The book also includes Rep. Flake’s personal story.
7AM is the first documentary to definitively explore why it’s a lack of businesses, not a lack of jobs, that makes Black people the poorest people in America. We talk to the foremost minds on the subject like Dr. Claud Anderson and Don Peebles about why racism is an economics issue, not a social issue. We also explain how reclaiming our position as entrepreneurs is key to reversing this condition and what will happen if we don’t. (7AM Explained)
Hypocrisy of Trump’s Liberty University speech
Why would a Christian university have someone like Donald Trump give its commencement address? Joy Reid and her panel offer their analysis. Duration: 31:34
NPR-Income Growth, From 1917-2012
Since World War II, inequality in the U.S. has gone through two, dramatically different phases. The data in the graphs comes from the World Top Incomes Database. The data is based on income tax records, which mix people filing as individuals and married couples filing jointly.
The Distressed Communities Index
The Distressed Communities Index (DCI) is a customized dataset created by EIG examining economic distress throughout the country and made up of interactive maps, infographics, and a report. It captures data from more than 25,000 zip codes (those with populations over 500 people). In all, it covers 99 percent — 312 million — of Americans. (See More)
Education vs. Incarceration
“What does it say about any state that focuses more on prison uniforms than on caps and gowns?” —Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, 2010 CA state of the state address
Nationally, the rate of states’ prison spending is increasing faster than education spending. Perhaps the most infamous example is California, which, since 1980, has decreased higher education spending by 13% while increasing spending on prisons and correctional programs by an astonishing 436%.
Land of the Free, Home of the Poor
Financial gains over the last decade in the United States have been mostly made at the “tippy-top” of the economic food chain as more people fall out of the middle class. The top 20 percent of Americans now holds 84 percent of U.S. wealth, as Paul Solman found out as part of a Making Sen$e series on economic inequality. (PBS News Hour: More)